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  • A novel transistor model for simulating avalanche-breakdown effects in Si bipolar circuits (es)
  • Alloyed Junction Avalanche Transistors (es)
  • An analysis of the dynamic behavior of switching circuits using avalanche transistors (es)
  • Avalanche Breakdown Calculations for a Planar p-n Junction (es)
  • Avalanche Breakdown in Germanium (es)
  • Avalanche multiplication in a compact bipolar transistor model for circuit simulation (es)
  • Avalanche transistor pulse generator (es)
  • Direct Current-Voltage Characteristics of Transistors in the Avalanche Region (es)
  • High voltage pulse generation using current mode second breakdown in a bipolar junction transistor (es)
  • High-speed switching transistor handbook (es)
  • IRE Solid-State Circuits Conference, Volume I (es)
  • IRE Solid-State Circuits Conference, Volume II (es)
  • Laser pulser for a time-of-flight laser radar (es)
  • Nanosecond pulse techniques (es)
  • On the trigger delay of avalanche transistors (es)
  • Pulse, digital and switching waveforms (es)
  • Pulsed time-of-flight laser range finder techniques for fast, high precision measurement applications (es)
  • Report SAND--93-0241C. A breakdown model for the bipolar transistor to be used with circuit simulators (es)
  • Report UCRL-JC--125874 - Driving Pockels cells using avalanche transistors (es)
  • SLAC-PUB-0669 - Increasing the Stability of Series Avalanche Transistor Circuits (es)
  • Static and dynamic behaviour of transistors in the avalanche region (es)
  • Study of Transistor Switching Circuit Stability in the Avalanche Region (es)
  • Sweep Deflection Circuit Development Using Computer-Aided Circuit Design for the OMEGA Multichannel Streak Camera (es)
  • The taming of the slew (es)
  • Theory of a new three-terminal microwave power amplifier (es)
  • Transistor improvements using an IMPATT collector (es)
  • Анализ статических вольтамперных характеристик диодов и транзисторов с учетом лавинного пробоя (es)
  • Лавинные транзисторы и их применение в импульсных устройствах (es)
  • Лавинные транзисторы и тиристоры. теория и применение (es)
  • Расчет параметров импульсов емкостного релаксатора на лавинном транзисторе (es)