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  • All Abraham's Children: Changing Mormon Conceptions of Race and Lineage (es)
  • An Ancient American Setting for the Book of Mormon (es)
  • Analysis of Textual Variants of the Book of Mormon (es)
  • Automaticity and the Dictation of the Book of Mormon (es)
  • By the Hand of Mormon: The American Scripture That Launched a New World Religion (es)
  • How Many Nephites?: The Book of Mormon at the Bar of Demography (es)
  • Isaiah Variants in the Book of Mormon (es)
  • Joseph Smith and the Origins of The Book of Mormon (es)
  • Losing a Lost Tribe: Native Americans, DNA and the Mormon Church (es)
  • Manuscript Found: The Complete Original "Spaulding" Manuscript (es)
  • Mormonism Unvailed (es)
  • Prophecy and Palimpsest (es)
  • The Original Book of Mormon Manuscript (es)
  • The Original Manuscript of the Book of Mormon: Typographical Facsimile of the Extant Text (es)
  • The Printers Manuscript of the Book of Mormon: typographical facsimile of the entire text in two parts (es)
  • The Return of Oliver Cowdery (es)
  • The Structure of the Book of Mormon: A Theory of Evolutionary Development (es)
  • Who Really Wrote the Book of Mormon?: The Critics and Their Theories (es)
  • dbpedia-latam:Joseph_Smith:_Rough_Stone_Rolling
  • dbpedia-latam:Joseph_Smith:_The_Making_of_a_Prophet
  • dbpedia-latam:No_Man_Knows_My_History
  • dbpedia-latam:Studies_of_the_Book_of_Mormon